Vincke and Verstuyft are one of the best detective teams of the Antwerp police force. When they are confronted with the disappearance of a top official and the murder of two prostitutes, the trail leads to the almost retired assassin Angelo Ledda. Since Ledda starts showing symptoms of Alzheimer's, it's getting more and more difficult to complete his contracts. When he has to murder a 12-year old call-girl, he refuses and becomes a target himself. While Vincke and Verstuyft are chasing him and counting the corpses, Ledda is taking care of his employers.
Eric Vincke
Freddy Verstuyft
Angelo Ledda
Baron Henri Gustave de Haeck
Majoor De Keyzer
Linda de Leenheer
Tom Coemans
Jean de Haeck
Van Parys
Bob Van Camp
Bieke Cuypers