A friendship started in childhood in Thessaloniki firstly turned into being comrade in arms and then a half-century brotherhood and fraternity following the same ideals until the death upon proclamation of the Republic; Ataturk & Salih Bozok Veda Ataturk (The Farewell Ataturk) is the story of a brotherhood, portrayal of milestones in Ataturk's life and the story of a commander commanding a generation that challenged the death to save the homeland.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (25-45 yaş) / Ali Rıza Efendi
Salih Bozok (30-57 yaş)
Zübeyde Hanım
Latife Hanım
Fikriye Hanım
Kazım Karabekir
Okul Müdürü
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (57 yaş)
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (6-7 yaş)
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (14-17 yaş)
Makbule Hanım
Cemal Efendi