Luis Buñuel’s observation – “You can find all of Shakespeare and de Sade in the lives of insects” – was the inspiration for this experimental horror movie, in which human actors wordlessly enact the life-cycles of wasps and bees. Its purpose is to depict with emotion, humor and unnerving specificity an alternative society that really exists and has nothing to do with human beings. A highly stylized depiction of nature in all her deceitful glory.
Polistes, a paper wasp; queen
Ampulex, a cockroach wasp; female
Crabro, a fly-hunting wasp; female
Arilus, an assassin-bug; female
Anoplius, a spider wasp; female
Sphecius, the Cicada Killer; female
Parcoblatta, a cockroach; female
Tibicen, a cicada; female
Apis, the Honeybee; worker
Evagetes, a brood-parasitic spider wasp; female
Microbembex, the Scavenger Wasp; female