The Defenestration of Prague, which took place on May 23, 1618, was the decisive historical moment that unleashed the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) between several Catholic and Protestant states and changed the course of European history forever. (Additionally released as a heavely edited historical documentary entitled The Defenestration of Prague, 85 min.)
Jindřich Matyáš Thurn
Zuzana Alžběta z Tiefenbachu
Kaiser Ferdinand II Habsburský
Eleonora Gonzagová
Fridrich Falcký
Alžběta Stuartovna
Kryštof Harant z Polžic a Bezdružic
Linhart Colona z Felsu
Abraham Scultetus
Vilém Slavata z Chlumu a Košumberka
Jaroslav Bořita z Martinic
Filip Fabricius